Vector |
Construct size (kb): 130.0 DESCRIPTION OF VECTOR COMPONENT: Name of vector: pYAC3 Intact vector size: 11.700 Type of vector: YAC Cloning sites: SalI ClaI SmaI SnaBI Polylinker sites: Construction: pBR322, A240pI Host range: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Escherichia coli Features (with orientation and position when available): centromere: CEN4 marker(s): ampR, URA3, TRP1, SUP4ochre, HIS3 promoter: none replicon: pMB1, ARS1 Cross references: |
Insert |
DNA: genomic DESCRIPTION OF INSERT COMPONENT: Genome: Homo sapiens Gene symbol: DXS1908 Gene name: DNA Segment, single copy Contains complete coding sequence?: U Chromosome: X; Localization: X q24-q28 Type of DNA: genomic Insert end: Insert end: Insert size (kb): Cross references: Gene product: DNA Segment, single copy [DXS1908] |